In just an hour he'd ended up with a solution featuring eight containers - the original ASP.NET application, another web site hosting a custom homepage, two message handling services, elasticsearch, kibana, NATS, and SQL Server Express. In his talk he walked us through taking a “legacy” ASP.NET application and "dockerizing" it and then improving it. However, last week I saw my friend Elton Stoneman give an awesome presentation at NDC London on the subject of “ Dockerizing Legacy ASP.NET Apps” (the video’s not available yet, but check here and I’m sure it will be in the near future). I knew that there were some plans for a Windows friendly version of Docker, but every time I looked into it, it felt like things weren't quite ready yet and so besides a few brief experiments, I hadn’t properly given it a try.

When I initially heard about Docker a few years ago, my first reaction was “what an awesome idea”, followed quickly by “shame I can’t use it for my.